Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Human elemant for project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human elemant for project management - Essay Example From the very beginning open communication was encouraged and it led the team to work in excellent working environment. Due to such working environment and open communication, the members of my team started trusting each other and addressed each other by their first name. This let us establish and work on common goals and we put aside the personal goals when working in team. Each member of my team was highly involved and participated in the completion of work. They were motivated and did almost every task before they were asked to perform. This high commitment towards the team and work made the completion of task much easier than expected (Edmondson, 2003). Formation of a team is one of the most essential process to gather the most intellectual and talented members. As the academic theories anticipates that for a successful team formation it is essential to go through specially designed programs that last 12-24 months (Eppler & Sukowski, 2000). Availability of time was the major cons traint to form a perfect team but still I was able to form a team that was ready to work together towards the achievement of desired goals and objectives. As indicated by Lennox (2001) that an effective team could significantly change the direction of the organisation and to make this happen my team members trusted each other and motivated one another to keep moving forward till the completion of tasks. The second important process for effective team is its development (San Martin-Rodriguez, Beaulieu, D'Amour, & Ferrada-Videla, 2005). For the development of an effective team we adopted and followed Tuckman’s theory of team development (Mullins, 2008. My team experienced all five stages of team development i.e. forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning (Reilly & Jones, 2008). At the forming stage, team members introduced themselves to one another which led to the evaluation of common interest. This introduction also helped the members of the team to establish their preferences and dislikes towards others in the team. Since, each member of the team had unique skills and talents they distributed their roles according to the resources that each members had access to rather than by votes or any other formal process. Shortly after the determination of roles and responsibilities my team established common practices of behavior. This establishment of common practices helped the team to work together and helped the team members to eliminate all the discriminating factors that could affect the performance of my team. In order to communicate with one another, my team members selected English as the primary language as all the members of my team was aware of this language. The storming phase was the most difficult phase for my team as each member was trying to force their ideas and opinions. In order to resolve such intense discussion, I offered my team with a solution i.e. to hear what was being proposed by each team member and vote would decide regard ing the selection of idea. As a result of such decision, my team was able to work effectively but the disadvantage with such decision was that it took quite some time but in the end, the team was once again on the same platform. My team members appreciated each idea even though they had totally opposite ones but this allowed the members of my

Monday, February 3, 2020

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Business Law - Essay Example In that case, the Court rendered the term unenforceable because it appeared only at the bottom of the web page after the download button, depriving the customer the opportunity to read it first. This is not true however, in the present case because Dell not only advertised the terms in its website but also enclosed a written copy of it with the delivery of the computer to the customer. Generally, the courts will find for arbitration if it clearly appears that an agreement thereto was reached between the parties and even if there are doubts such as in the case of NCR Corp v Korala Associates, Ltd 512 F 3d 807 (2008) but may decide against it, even if there was agreement, if it is obviously one-sided such as in the case of Circuit City Stores Inc v Adams 279 F 3d 889 (2002) (cited Miller & Jentz 2009 52, 53). The present case, however, is distinguished from similar cases where the court held shrink-wrap agreements and arbitration clauses valid by its absence of an express disclaimer informing the customer of the specific method by which to express his or her rejection of the terms, usually a return of the product as was in the case of ProCD, Inc v Zeidenberg 908 F Supp 640 (1996). The implication of this is that DeFontes has no notice that a rejection of the terms should be expressed by returning the product and therefore, as to her, the arbitration term is not bind ing. She therefore, has good chances of dismissing Dell’s application for